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Turkish Medical Association

Erdoğan orders removal of ‘Turkish’ from TTB’s name

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday ordered the removal of the word "Turkish" from the name of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), which has...

8 members of medical association released

Eight members of the Turkish Medical Association’s (TTB) central council who were detained last week over a critical statement on Turkey’s military operation in...

13 more detained over TTB statement criticizing Turkey’s Afrin incursion

An additional 13 people have been detained over their messages of support for a statement released by the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) criticizing Turkey's...

World physicians demand release of medical professionals in letter to Erdoğan

Physicians from prominent international medical associations have in a letter called for the immediate release of 11 members of the Turkish Medical Association’s (TTB,...

CoE’s Muiznieks condemns detention of Turkish Medical Association members

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muiznieks on Tuesday condemned the detention 11 members of the Turkish Medical Association’s (TTB) central council...

[UPDATE] 11 medical association administrators detained over criticism of Afrin offensive

Eleven central council members of the Turkish Medical Association have been detained in police raids on their homes over a statement critical of Turkey's...

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