Green Left Party vows in election manifesto to build ‘strong local democracy’ in Turkey
Erdoğan ratchets up public spending to woo disenchanted voters as elections approach
Muharrem İnce’s presidential bid: A lifeline for Erdoğan in disguise?
Kılıçdaroğlu to win against Erdoğan in first round of election despite rival contenders: poll
Poll shows Kılıçdaroğlu 9 points ahead of Erdoğan in presidential race
Erdoğan’s AKP nominates him as presidential candidate
Kılıçdaroğlu to meet with pro-Kurdish HDP on March 18 for his presidential bid
HDP again applies to top court for conclusion of its closure case after elections
HDP to run in 2023 elections under banner of another party due to risk of closure: report
Far-right party leader calls for closure of Turkey’s top court over HDP ruling
Former CHP presidential candidate announces another election bid
Erdoğan’s rival Kılıçdaroğlu vows to ‘end madness’ in May election