Fifty percent of Turks think their lifestyle is under threat, according to the results of a recent public survey.
Metropoll’s “Turkey’s Pulse” survey, conducted in September, showed that when asked, “Do you think your lifestyle is under threat today?” 50.0 percent of respondents answered “Yes,” while 47.6 percent said, “No,” and the remaining 2.4 percent said they had “no idea.”
Among supporters of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), 15.8 percent saw their lifestyle under threat, while it was highest among voters of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), standing at 84.6 percent, followed by İYİ (Good) Party supporters at 77.3 percent and then by voters of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) at 77.5 percent.
Metropoll president Özer Sencar said it is not pious people or women who wear headscarves who feel their lifestyle is at risk, but rather the modern and secular conservatives who increasingly feel their lifestyle is under threat in Turkey.
Kanımca, toplumun yaşamları ile ilgili giderek endişeleri artan kesimi kamumun en uç kesimine kadar yerleşen dindar ve başörtülüler değil modern, seküler ve modern muhafazakar fertleridir. Ve bu endişe giderek artmaktadır.
— Ozer Sencar (@ozersencar1) October 9, 2022
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whose Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been governing Turkey for two decades, is criticized for promoting a religious lifestyle among people and curtailing their liberties.
It was previously the religious segment of society that complained about facing a threat to their lifestyle since there was a ban on the wearing of headscarves in public service that was abolished in 2010.